makes 1/2 litre

2 heaped tbsp custard powder
2 tbsp sugar
1/2 litre soy milk

put the custard powder and sugar into a saucepan, and mix with a small amount of the soy milk until smooth. slowly add the rest of the soy milk, stirring well. heat on low-medium heat, stirring constantly. if the custard starts to stick to the bottom of the pan, the heat is too high. stir until thick - the custard will probably boil, this doesn't matter. eat!

this is delicious when you eat it with fruit, my personal favourite being apple. baking apple (pie filling) is best because it saves you cooking it. so, heat some apple in the microwave, and make the custard with an extra tablespoon of sugar, as the apple is tart and needs more sweetness. pour the custard over the hot apple, and eat. yum!
